Just Between Us Read online

Page 8

  “Oh God.” I laughed, “You sound ridiculous, come on let’s not talk about that rubbish, I’m not sleeping with him and won’t be. Don’t I sound better than I have in weeks?”

  “You sure do,” she said quietly.

  “How’s that baby?”

  Suddenly she became chirpier. “Well 4 weeks to go, you better be back in time for Stanley to arrive.”

  “Stanley?” I laughed. “Really? Well I’ll get used to it, and of course I’ll be back by then. I’ve got to be back for school.”

  “Great, because Vinnie has a friend at work that he wants you to meet, get back in the saddle and all that.”

  I groaned, “I’ve already told you that you and Vinnie are the worst matchmakers ever, and I won’t be meeting anyone that you crazy two recommend.”

  “Fine,” she huffed. “Well I better see if someone else is free for lunch now,” she whined.

  “Okay, thanks for ringing, Ash.”

  “Don’t sleep with him!” she snapped.

  “I won’t.”

  We hung up, and I knew that she would now be in regular contact to ensure that I did not sleep with my step-brother. I had no intention of rekindling anything with Kyle, but I couldn’t help the fact that when I was with him I was happy. I didn’t need to think of anything else when he was around because he just filled any space that I had. He made me laugh, he kept my interest, and he made me feel special, like the only girl in the world. Kyle had a knack for making me feel wanted, and as if I was the only other person in his world, but I knew he did that to a lot of women. It was just nice to have his attention for a short time again.

  I went for a walk after getting dressed, wore my sunglasses to cover the damage the misery had left, and wandered until I found a local high street. I perused charity shops, antique shops, and other random little places. I had a coffee and grabbed a sandwich for lunch, sitting outside in the sun and watching the people passing by. After a few hours I wandered back to Kyle’s place and sat out on the balcony with my Kindle, immersing myself in the world of someone’s imagination. Then at 2.30 Kyle walked in. He saw me straight away, and a grin spread across his face. He came out to the balcony.

  “You’ve caught the sun; your nose is all pink.”

  “Oh have I?” I touched my nose.

  “Ready for the gym?” he asked.

  “Okay,” I groaned, “I can pretend to do something on a machine whilst you work out.”

  “Oh no, you’ll do something.”

  “I’ll take that as a threat.” I smiled.

  We hit Kyle’s gym, it was fairly busy for a mid week afternoon. It was an expensive, member’s only gym, where everyone had their own locker and the women in the changing room were dripping in designer clothes and all seemed to have had some cosmetic work done. We ran on the treadmills, cycled manically, and then lifted some weights. After that we had a swim and then used the sauna and Jacuzzi.

  Later, Kyle made some dinner whilst I sat at his breakfast bar and chatted to him easily. He made chicken and bacon pasta, and I was impressed that he had learned how to cook. I still had to master that skill. Simon always cooked in our house. I pushed thoughts of that away. It had never been the domestic bliss it had seemed at the time because it had all been a lie.

  He served our meal, and we made our way to the dining table. “Look what I got for later,” he said with a grin.

  “What?” I asked as he produced a DVD of Dirty Dancing from behind his back.

  “Oh my God, you hate that film.”

  “Well you made me watch it so often that I grew to love it.” he laughed, “and as my guest you get the first DVD choice, but after that it’s up to me.”

  “Right.” I laughed. “We’ll see about that.”

  Old Times

  Kyle and I continued to kiss uncontrollably in the corridor, his fingers stroking and plunging into me expertly. I could barely control myself, especially after all the vodka I had consumed, and I hardly noticed when a loud voice boomed.

  “What the hell are you doing back here?” We snapped our heads up to see a burly bouncer looming over us. Kyle shoved me behind him and I straightened my skirt.

  “Erm …” Kyle began searching for an excuse.

  “Get out, and I better not see your face again.”

  Kyle didn’t waste any more time, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down the corridor the way we came. He eased the door open and stepped through, keeping me close behind him, still holding my hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze as we emerged into the low-lying area of the club where the toilets were. There were a few people milling around, however they didn’t seem to care that two people had walked out of the ‘Staff Only’ door, perhaps assuming we were staff. Kyle dropped my hand as we made it back into the main part of the club where Abba’s ‘Dancing Queen’ was blaring, and the dance floor was full. We didn’t speak and didn’t touch, but I saw that he was scoping the crowds, perhaps for Vinnie. My stomach was in knots. I craved him and was desperate for him to touch me again. I hated myself, how could I feel this way about him? I wasn’t even sure I liked him.

  He saw Vinnie and waved to him. “Come on,” he whispered to me, and I followed him to where Vinnie loomed over Ash as she giggled.

  She saw us and waved manically. “Soph.” She was even drunker than before, and I knew I should take her home.

  “Me and Soph are going,” Kyle grunted to Vinnie, as if it were an imposition. “She’s pretty wrecked and my dad will kill me if I leave her here like this.”

  Vinnie looked at me through narrowed eyes, perhaps trying to focus.

  “Ash is pretty drunk too, I need to get her home,” I said.

  “I’ll make sure she’s all right,” Vinnie barked.

  “Oh yeah, I bet you will, right after you take full advantage,” I scoffed.

  “Hey.” He lurched forward towards me and Kyle moved in front of him, so he couldn’t get to me, putting his hands on his friend’s shoulders. “I’m not a fucking rapist.”

  “Whoa, calm down, Vin, it’s fine. Ashley.” Kyle turned to Ashley. “You wanna come with us now or get a taxi with Vin?”

  “I’ll stay.” She nodded, oblivious to the animosity.

  “I shouldn’t leave her,” I whined.

  “Fine,” Kyle grunted, “we’ll all go. Come on.”

  Vinnie rolled his eyes and took Ashley’s hand. “I don’t want to go,” she squeaked.

  “You’re drunk,,” Vinnie said, pulling her into his arms. “Home time.”

  She smiled up at him pathetically, and we followed them to the stairs. Vinnie went first, followed by Ashley. I was behind with Kyle.

  “You’re killing me here,” he whispered into my ear. I looked at him in shock. “This is kind of ruining my plans.”

  I smiled nervously as he ran his hand over my bum and gave it a squeeze. We walked down to the ground floor, “What about Kathryn?” I asked as we walked towards the exit.

  “She’ll be fine,” Ashley slurred.

  “Stay here,” I said, “I’ll just check.” I turned to go back into the crowd to find Kathryn at the back bar, I felt hands on my hips and knew that Kyle had followed me.

  “Make this quick,” he whispered into my ear, pushing himself against me from behind in the crowd.

  Kathryn was in the same place as before, laughing with our school friends, throwing her head back with a drink in her hand. She saw me and looked behind me to see Kyle, shock registering on her face.

  “Hi,” I said as I reached her, “I’m leaving, Kyle and I are sharing a taxi.”

  “Oh.” She nodded, and her eyes told me that she thought this was weird, but her smile didn’t give it away.

  “You ready to go?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’ll stay with this lot; I can get in their taxi.”

  “You sure?” I asked. She nodded. Kyle had fallen back a little to the bar, leaning there, waiting for me to be ready. Kathryn glanced to him. “Mick insisted we get back together,
that’s all,” I explained.

  “Okay …” She was suspicious, but I could cover it tomorrow, I was sure. Just then someone grabbed me from behind, and I knew it couldn’t be Kyle as he wouldn’t do that in front of all these people. I turned my head, and it was Tim. I eased myself out of his arms and turned to face him.

  “You’re back.” He smiled.

  “I’m just leaving,” I said, stepping back and glancing to Kyle who was now watching our exchange.

  “Oh.” He followed my gaze. “You don’t have to go, stay.”

  “We have to get back, family thing tomorrow,” I lied, “so Kyle and I said we’d be back.” He nodded and glanced to Kyle again. I could see his disappointment, and there seemed to be no love lost between the two of them.

  Kyle moved forward, and not knowing what had been said, took my arm, “Leave it Anyon!” Kyle barked, “she’s leaving.”

  “Hey,” Tim said, pulling me back a little, “she can talk for herself.” I turned to face Tim and shrugged them both off.

  “I’m fine.” I smiled to him. “See you later.” He leaned in, kissed my cheek, and Kyle grabbed me roughly again from behind. I turned and followed him across the dance floor to the exit, waving to Kathryn as we left. Tim watched us leave, and I inwardly cringed at the scene we had made. It was a great way to draw attention to ourselves. We had to stop this now. It was ridiculous, and Kyle was such a surly brat. It was another reason not to lose my head again. When we reached the exit Ashley and Vinnie were nowhere to be seen.

  “They must have gone.” I shrugged.

  “Come on.” Kyle grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me towards the exit. He didn’t let go of my hand as we burst into the cool night air and passed the taxi rank. Anyone could see us, but I followed anyway. We crossed the road to the promenade that was dark and deserted at this time of night. It was almost one am. I followed him down the steps to the deserted walkway, and he pulled me onto a bench.

  “I can’t stand that Tim Anyon,” he spat, “he thinks he’s got a chance with you.”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “That he hasn’t got a chance with you!” he roared.

  “Kyle.” I shook my head, “This is messed up, us, this can’t happen and Tim is a nice guy, he’s the one I should be kissing in corridors.”

  “But he isn’t,” he snapped, leaning into me and kissing me again so that I fell back onto the bench.

  “This is a bad idea,” I groaned.

  “No, this is the best idea I’ve had all night.”

  We kissed furiously, and he tipped me back onto the bench so that I was led down and he was leaning over me. His hand roamed my body, and I gasped as he found his way under my vest top, running his hands lightly over my stomach, and then roving over my breasts. “Let’s just have tonight,” he whispered as his hands moved over my bare legs. They moved up under my skirt, and again his fingers were brushing against my most sensitive area. I ran my hands through his hair and groaned into him as he slid a finger inside me.

  “Oh my God, Kyle, we can’t …”

  “No one will see us,” he whispered. I moved my hands down to his trousers and squeezed him through them, to which he groaned. Then he sat up and started to unbutton his trousers as I sat up slightly on my elbows.

  “Do you want this, Soph? Do you want me as much as I want you?”

  I nodded.

  “Tell me,” he said hoarsely.

  “I want you Kyle, but …”

  “No buts tonight, Okay?”

  “Okay.” I nodded, breathing deeply. He unbuttoned himself and sat back against the bench pulling me on top of him to straddle him. I knelt over him, and he kissed me again, grabbing my hair as he did. I lost control, this boy had something that made me lose all conscious thought, and even though I knew we shouldn’t do this, I didn’t care. I’d deal with it tomorrow when he would probably never speak to me again, but that wouldn’t be a bad thing because every time he did I seemed to kiss him.

  He ran his hands along the back of my thighs as I straddled him, and I reached down and ran my hand along him. He gasped and produced a condom from his pocket. He kissed me again whilst he rolled it on, and then he ran his hands along the hem of my underwear and moved it aside.

  “Fuck me, Soph,” he said hoarsely.

  I took him in my hand again and positioned him so that I could slide down his full length. He pulled my head down to kiss him again, and as he entered me we both groaned in unison.

  “Jesus,” he panted. I used all the strength I had in my thighs to move up and down. His kisses were turning me into a mad woman as I bounced and rocked on top of him. He shifted my skirt up around my waist and grabbed my bum in his hands, urging me more and more. I could feel a building of pleasure inside me as I let myself ride him harder and harder. Finally, I came apart on top of him, and he pulled me down on him, harder and harder. “Shit …” he said, pushing me down onto my back again on top of the bench whilst still inside me. I was recovering from my high as he pounded into me again and again. He didn’t stop kissing me, sucking my neck, and licking my lips as he came with one last thrust.

  We lay there for a minute, and then he sat up, my heart threatened to beat out of my chest, and my breathing was rapid. I smoothed my skirt and my top, and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn’t want to look at him, as I didn’t know what to expect. It had been the single most erotic moment of my life, but for Kyle it was probably a weekly occurrence. I wasn’t a virgin, but the few times I had had sex weren’t exactly like that. I opened my bag and looked inside for something, anything to busy my hands and break the tension.

  He stood over me, but I was unsure where we would go from here, separate taxi’s was probably a good idea.

  “Soph?” he said. I looked up to him. “You all right?”

  I nodded. “Yes.” Smiling shyly. “Let’s go.” I stood up, and he took my hand. We didn’t speak, we never had chatted, and I was feeling ridiculous. I was the latest notch on his bedpost, or bench post, and I had to live with him. I needed to shake myself, but I couldn’t deny how amazing he had made me feel. I got hot and bothered remembering what we had just done. He was right … I had wanted him just as much as he had wanted me, but now I was worried what this would mean for us.

  We walked back to the taxi rank and climbed inside, he gave our address, and I leaned against the window watching the summer night fly by as we drove home. He scooted over to me and put his hand on my thigh gently. “What you thinking?” he whispered lightly, “wishing we hadn’t?”

  “No.” I turned to him and looked into those soul-stealing eyes. “No, I just don’t want things to be weird now. Do you wish we hadn’t?”

  “Hell no.” He laughed. “That … you … were awesome. Shit, it fulfilled every dirty fantasy I have ever had about you.”

  I scrunched my nose and smiled, “You’ve thought about this?”

  He nodded, laughing again, “Erm daily, for about two years.”

  “Really?” I smirked. “Whatever.”

  “Really,” he said, putting his arm around me, “and I’m not sure one night is going to be enough, after all.”

  “We can’t do this, Kyle,” I whispered.


  “We can’t do this again, I mean we’re … well you know,” I said so the taxi driver didn’t overhear.

  “I know, but it was so good.” He grinned down at me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “If anyone found out …”

  “They won’t.”

  We continued home and pulled up to our house to find it still illuminated at two am. He paid the driver and then we made our way inside, I suddenly felt very sober, and so as I pushed the door open, our drunken parents were the last people I wanted to see. Mick was just stepping from the bottom of the stairs to make his way back to the conservatory.

  “Ah kids,” he said, his arms wide to us, “Nice to see you two together for a change.” I smiled at Mick but Kyle just walked pas
t him into the kitchen.

  I watched him get a cold drink from the fridge, and the distance was apparent once again.

  “Sophie!” my mum shouted from her seat at the large table in the conservatory. “Come and see me.” I looked down at my outfit to make sure that I was presentable after our rendezvous and ran my hands through my hair. I was hit by instant flashbacks of Kyle grabbing my hair and thrusting into me and suddenly became embarrassed. I looked to him, and he smirked. He knew what I was thinking.

  I went to see my mum, and Kyle disappeared upstairs. Mum and Mick made me give them a run down of the night and quizzed me about where I had been. Their friends were interested, and I laughed a little with them, as they were all drunk. There was a table of eight of them, all couples. Most I recognised, but some I didn’t.

  “Well I’m tired.” I sighed. “Night.” I grabbed a coke from the fridge and made my way upstairs. Kyle was so unsociable, he never let Mick show him off, or spoke to their friends, yet I always got trotted out for social chit-chat. Perhaps he was done socialising with me now that he had gotten what he wanted, but earlier he had said that one night might not be enough. He was an enigma, and I had no business messing around with someone as complicated as Kyle Hanson.

  I went to my room and took off my shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was no longer poker straight. I definitely looked fucked because my make up was none existent. I looked dreadful. I made my way into our bathroom, locking his door automatically and then mine. I looked into the mirror again, cleaned my face and tied my hair up. I couldn’t believe what I had done. I had had the most mind-blowing sex of my life with my step-brother who I could hear through the bathroom door, moving around his own room. I walked to the door and laid my ear on it slightly. I could hear music, and he wasn’t yet in bed. I needed a shower, and I needed to try and forget Kyle and how he made me feel, but I wasn’t quite ready yet. I yearned for him and I hated myself for it, just like every other girl. He had me panting, wanting more. I clicked the lock and opened the door slightly; I peeped in and saw him walking to his hamper in his boxer shorts, throwing clothes in. I pulled the door open more and just stood there.